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Andy Jett | Dean of the College of Professional Schools, Avila University

Andy Jett | Dean of the College of Professional Schools, Avila University

Current Position and Past Experience
Andy Jett is currently Dean of the College of Professional Schools at Avila University. He is also an associate professor. Before coming to Avila University, Dr. Jett held various executive leadership roles in information technology, institutional research and effectiveness, strategic planning, and operations. Dr. Jett has focused his teaching on technology, ethics, leadership, and management at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Dr. Jett’s doctoral research centered on the use of technology in teaching and learning.

Dr. Jett oversees the Schools of Business, Education, Visual and Communication Arts, and the Institute for Professional Studies, including the Workforce Development Academy. Working closely with faculty across the university, Dr. Jett is passionate about building enrollment growth opportunities, improving student outcomes, and delivering career-ready graduates to the communities Avila serves.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Dr. Jett earned his doctorate in Higher Education Leadership from Baker University. He also holds a Master’s degree in Liberal Arts (Religion and Philosophy) from Baker University, a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Wichita State University, and an Associate degree in Accounting from Colby Community College.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
In the community, Dr. Jett serves as a member of the Board of Directors of the Mid America Assistance Coalition and as an active member of the Kansas City Organizational Development Network, the KC Chapter of the Association of Talent Development, and the Mid America LGBT Chamber of Commerce.

You can connect with Andy on LinkedIn

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