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Author Profile

Andrea Backman | President, Strayer University

Andrea Backman | President, Strayer University

Current Position and Past Experience
Andrea serves as President of Strayer University. She is a Philly native who has dedicated her career to making education more accessible. As a single mother and one of the first in her family to graduate from college, she has a deep understanding of the barriers students can face when seeking higher education. As President of Strayer, she works to develop programs to help students succeed in school, find employment and receive a return on their educational investment. In addition to her role as President, Andrea also chairs the employability and student return on investment work at Strategic Education, Inc., Strayer University’s parent company. Andrea has also served in Senior Leadership position at Jack Welch Management Institute, University of Virginia, and DePaul University.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Backman holds a Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Virgina, a Master of Arts from DePaul University, and a Bachelor of Arts in Penn State University.

You can connect with Andrea on LinkedIn

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review