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Author Profile

Anat Eshed | Former Assistant Vice President of Decision Intelligence, Validation and Evaluation, Southern New Hampshire University

Anat Eshed | Former Assistant Vice President of Decision Intelligence, Validation and Evaluation, Southern New Hampshire University

Current Position and Past Experience
Anat Eshed is Former Assistant Vice President of Decision Intelligence, Validation and Evaluation at Southern New Hampshire University. She is currently Founder and Executive Manager at Xsight Education Consulting. Previously, she was Assistant Vice President of Strategy, Architecture and Performance, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Southern New Hampshire University, and Research Scientist at Massachusetts institute of Technology.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Anat holds a Doctor of Philosophy and a Bachelor of Arts in Physics from Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. She also earned a post-graduate certificate in the Assessment of Intellectual Functioning, along with a Teaching Certificate. Throughout her career, Anat has been recognized for her excellence in teaching and invited to speak and collaborate on innovations in higher education at numerous venues.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Outside of work, Anat enjoys quality time with my family, discovering new places through international travel, taking long walks, experimenting in the kitchen, getting lost in a good book, and challenging herself with puzzles. She also dedicated many years to volunteering as a mentor, guiding K-12 and college students in creative problem-solving, advocating for improved educational services for students with special needs, and supporting advanced math programs in her community.

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