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Ana Abad-Jorge | Program Director for Health Sciences Management Programs in the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, University of Virginia

Ana Abad-Jorge | Program Director for Health Sciences Management Programs in the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, University of Virginia

Current Position and Past Experience
Ana Abad-Jorge is the Program Director of Professional Studies in Health Sciences Management Programs in the School of Continuing and Professional Studies at the University of Virginia. Prior to taking on her current role, Abad-Jorge spent 27 years in the University of Virginia Health System, caring for premature babies in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit and critically ill children in Pediatric Intensive Care. She also served as the program director for the Nutrition and Dietetics Internship Program within the health system.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Abad-Jorge holds an Ed.D in Higher Education and Adult Learning from Walden University. She earned an M.S. in Nutrition from the University of Florida and a B.A. in Biology and Secondary Education from Rollins College. Abad-Jorge has a number of publications in the area of pediatric and neonatal nutrition support, nutrition education, and higher education. She currently serves as a program reviewer with the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) and is a Fellow of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Abad-Jorge is married with four children, ranging in age from 23 to 29 years old. In her free time, she enjoys cooking, dancing, and travelling.

You can connect with Ana Abad-Jorge on LinkedIn.

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