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Amy Schulz | Dean of Career, Continuing and Technical Education, Sierra College

Amy Schulz | Dean of Career, Continuing and Technical Education, Sierra College

Current Position and Past Experience
Amy Schulz is currently Dean of Career, Continuing and Technical Education at Sierra College where she oversees instructional programs in business, technology and public safety as well contract training and fee-based eduction. In 2003, Schulz worked at Feather River College for 12 years, serving in roles such as Director of the Business and Entrepreneurship Center, Project Director, and Director of Career Technical Education and Economic Workforce Development. She then became Vice President of Education and Membership and CCC Maker Ecosystems Coach at the National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship. For the past eight years, Schulz has also been Co-Creator and Lead Trainer of New World of Work.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Schulz holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Organizational Systems from Saybrook University, a Master of Business Administration from the University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley (formerly Univerity of Texas-Pan American), and a Bachelor of Science in Economics from the University of California.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Schulz serves on the boards for the Golden Sierra Workforce Development Board and Uganda Development Initiative. For Uganda Development Initiative, Schulz enjoys volunteer trips to Kanungu, Uganda to collaborate on community development work in education, entrepreneurship and microfinance. Schulz loves to travel in general. In 2019, she traveled with her son to Wacken, Germany to attend the largest heavy metal festival in the world, which actually was good preparation for what 2020 had in store. While grounded during the pandemic, Schulz enjoys getting creative with pantry ingredients to cook homebound feasts for family.

You can connect with Amy on LinkedIn

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