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Allen Schaidle | PhD Student in Higher Education, University of California, Los Angeles

Allen Schaidle | PhD Student in Higher Education, University of California, Los Angeles

Current Position and Past Experience
Allen Schaidle is currently a PhD student in higher education at the University of California, Los Angeles. He is also a faculty member at Zayed University in the United Arab Emirates. Previously, he was Director of Student Services at the American University of Irag, Sulaimani. He was also the Alumni Relations & Annual Fund Officer at New York University Abu Dhabi.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Schaidle received a Master of Science in Higher Education from the University of Oxford and a Master of Arts from Columbia University in International Educational Development. He completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Kansas accumulating such prestigious titles as Hall Center Scholar, Global Scholar, and School of Education’s Senior Leadership Award.

Throughout his career, Allen has concentrated on higher education, international education, and rural education with fieldwork across multiple countries. Over the years, Allen’s research has received several grants, scholarships, and awards. He loves making research accessible to professionals in a wide range of career fields by frequently engaging internationally in professional speaking presentations. His writings have appeared in The Nation, Inside Higher Education, Diverse: Issues in Higher Education, and the New York Times.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
In his free time, Allen publishes stories retelling his outdoor explorations and is a published poet. A native of Metamora, Illinois, Allen considers the creeks and forests of central Illinois his eternal home.

You can connect with Allen on LinkedIn

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