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Alison Witherspoon | Vice President of Continuous Improvement, American College of Education

Alison Witherspoon | Vice President of Continuous Improvement, American College of Education

Current Position and Past Experience
Alison Witherspoon is currently the Vice President of Continuous Improvement at American College of Education. Previously, she was the Director of Assessment and Accreditation. Witherspoon has served in many roles at American College, including Assistant Director for Institutional Research and Effectiveness, and Institutional Research Contractor. In addition to her work at American College of Education, she previously worked at the University of Texas Austin and The Chicago School of Professional Psychology.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Witherspoon is a doctoral candidate at Arizona State University in the final year of the Doctor of Education in Innovation and Leadership program. She currently holds a Master of Science in Public Service Management from DePaul University. She also has a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Criminal justice from Southern Illinois University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
The world is full of opportunities to create value through continuous improvement. Based on this belief, Witherspoon is committed to innovation through collaboration and inclusiveness. Her research focuses on organizational learning, assessment, mindfulness, and social justice issues. When she is not conducting research, writing, and leading continuous improvement, she volunteers with Dress for Success and leads a weekly meditation group. She also enjoys reading, baking, and running.

You can connect with Alison Witherspoon on LinkedIn, Twitter or at

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