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Author Profile

Alicia Dickens | Associate Vice Chancellor of Workforce and Economic Development, Metropolitan Community College

Alicia Dickens | Associate Vice Chancellor of Workforce and Economic Development, Metropolitan Community College

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. Alicia Dickens is the Associate Vice Chancellor of Workforce & Economic Development at Metropolitan Community College located in Kansas City, Missouri; a public speaker having presented at regional and national conferences; a former faculty member at the University of Phoenix, Ottawa University, and Kansas City Kansas Community College; a published author, featured in national magazines and on at least two cable television shows; and a contributing writer to an international blog for women of color. Previously she worked in the capacity of Executive Director, Operations Manager, Clinical Director, Director of Technology & Workforce Development, Director of the Entrepreneurial Innovation Center, Intervention Specialist, Instructor, Trainer, and Counselor with various organizations. She has personally assisted numerous for profit and not-for-profit businesses in organizational start-up and growth.

Dr. Dickens’ governmental experience includes having served as the Senior Constituent Services Aide to Congressman Dennis Moore and State Legislative Aide to Senator David Haley supporting her knowledge base for helping contractors obtain state and federal contracts and miscellaneous certifications.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Dr. Dickens has completed her Ph.D. in Neuropsychology and an additional doctoral degree in Business Administration with an emphasis on nascent entrepreneurialism and growth strategies. Her Master’s Degree from MidAmerica Nazarene University is in Organizational Administration, with a focus in Leadership; her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, with additional graduate studies in Mental Health, was from the University of Missouri Kansas City. She received approval for mediation in civil and core matters by the Kansas Supreme Court. Additionally, her certification in various accelerated human change technologies includes being a Certified Master Practitioner and Trainer in Neuro- Linguistics Programming, and a Master Level Coach.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Dr. Dickens currently serves as a board member of the Kansas City Industrial Council, Northeast Industrial Association, Ride KC Development Corporation, National Council of Continuing Education and Training, the Sheer Essence School of Etiquette and Leadership Development, and formerly the Joseph Business School in Kansas City, Missouri and Envision Homes. She has volunteered to work with those incarcerated in Wyandotte and Jackson County Jails, Lansing Correctional Facility, and was among the first missionary group allowed to visit death row inmates at the Leavenworth Disciplinary Barracks (Prison). She has mentored youth and volunteered extensively with the homeless/other challenged, and is a graduate of the Kansas City Tomorrow leadership program which prepares senior-level business and community leaders for civic engagement.

In summing up Dr. Dickens, you need only look at the license plate on her car displaying “No Limit”. She simply enjoys pushing others into their destiny and helping them live their dreams!

You can connect with Alicia on LinkedIn

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The EvoLLLution Year in Review