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Alice Pulvermacher | Associate Director in the Office of Academic Innovation, University of Wisconsin System

Alice Pulvermacher | Associate Director in the Office of Academic Innovation, University of Wisconsin System

Current Position and Past Experience
Alice Pulvermacher is currently Associate Director, Office of Academic Innovation at the University of Wisconsin System where she is a principal investigator and project director for systemwide initiatives. She has led the UW System Math Initiative since 2017 and secured a $2.3 million grant to support this systemwide change initiative involving all UW institutions, as well as coordination with Wisconsin’s technical college, four-year private, and K-12 systems.

Prior to joining the University of Wisconsin System, Pulvermacher was a project director in the College of Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She was responsible for research and organizational change initiatives, including a multi-state project involving 200 organizations. That was among several federal and private grants totaling over $22 million that she managed during the past 17 years. In addition, she was a quality improvement coach at NIATx Foundation Inc. for five years.

Pulvermacher’s expertise is in strategic planning, partnership building, communication, professional development, project management, and organizational effectiveness. She provides leadership and technical support for transformative change initiatives in higher education, health care, and community environments. She has advanced complex initiatives by aligning structure, strategies, people, and processes toward shared goals.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Pulvermacher holds a Master of Science in Adult Education from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She also has a Bachelor of Science in Park and Recreation Program Administration from Michigan State University.

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