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Author Profile

Alfreda Ann Reynolds | Doctoral Candidate, Wingate University

Alfreda Ann Reynolds | Doctoral Candidate, Wingate University

Current Position and Past Experience
Alfreda Ann Reynolds is currently a Doctoral Candidate for Higher Education, Educational Leadership and Adult Education at Wingate University. Reynolds is working on a project about evaluative study of the effectiveness of the Cato Middle College High School in area of career and college readiness for students.

Since 1999, Reynolds has been an instructor at the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, where she has engaged in a variety of roles, including assisting in employee relations, designing and presenting management training programs and broadly facilitating human resources.

From 2007-2009, Reynolds oversaw HR and daily operations at Kennedy Charter Public School.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Reynolds earned her BS in Education from Austin Peay State University in 1991. In 2007, she earned her MEd from Gardner Webb University, and in 2015 she earned her EdS in Community College Executive Leadership from Wingate University. She is currently pursuing her EdD in the same field from Wingate.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Reynolds is a member of a number of organizations, including the ASCD; the NEA; the Concord Afton-Sunset Rotary; the New Works Huntersville Community Development Corporation (NWHCDC), and its Grant Writing Committee; and the Golf Advisory Board for Mecklenburg County Park and Rec. She’s also a member of the Board of Directors for the CMAE, and serves on the Development Council of the Rotary Dementia Project of the Cabarrus County Development Council.

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