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Alexandria Walton Radford | Director of the Center for Applied Rearch in Postsecondary Education, American Institutes for Research

Alexandria Walton Radford | Director of the Center for Applied Rearch in Postsecondary Education, American Institutes for Research

Current Position and Past Experience
Alexandria Walton Radford is currently Director of the Center for Applied Research in Postsecondary Education at the American Institutes for Research and has been in this position since 2019. Prior, she was at RTI International, serving in roles such as Center Director for Postsecondary Education and Program Director for Transition to College. Radford also worked at MPR Associates for four years where she was Senior Research Associate before stepping into the role of Associate Program Director for Postsecondary Education and Transition to College. She also spent 3 years at Princeton University working as a research and teaching assistant, project manager and senior research specialist.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Radford has a Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology from Princeton University. She also has a Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service from Georgetown University.

She is co-author of the book No Longer Separate, Not Yet Equal: Race and Class in Elite College Admissions and Campus Life, which won the American Sociological Association’s 2011 Pierre Bourdieu Award for the Best Book in the Sociology of Education.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Dr. Radford enjoys listening to musicals while running on trails in the DC area.

You can connect with Alexandria on LinkedIn

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Avoiding summer melt