Author Profile
Shonda Goward | Associate Vice Provost of Undergraduate Advising and Success, San Jose State University
Current Position and Past Experience
Associate Vice Provost of Undergraduate Advising and Success at San José State University and has been in the position since September 2021. She is also Network Director and the Advisory Board Chair of the CSU Student Success Network. Previously, she was Director of the Student Center for Academic Achievement at California State University - East Bay. Prior, she was Academic Director of Carolina Covenant and Achieve Carolina at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Education, Honors and Achievements
Goward holds a Doctor of Education in Higher Education Administration from George Washington University. She also holds a Master of Arts in English Literature from Southern Connecticut State University and a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism/Mass Communication and Political Science from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Associate Vice Provost of Undergraduate Advising and Success at San José State University and has been in the position since September 2021. She is also Network Director and the Advisory Board Chair of the CSU Student Success Network. Previously, she was Director of the Student Center for Academic Achievement at California State University - East Bay. Prior, she was Academic Director of Carolina Covenant and Achieve Carolina at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Education, Honors and Achievements
Goward holds a Doctor of Education in Higher Education Administration from George Washington University. She also holds a Master of Arts in English Literature from Southern Connecticut State University and a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism/Mass Communication and Political Science from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.