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Author Profile

Mary Boyes | Associate Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University

Mary Boyes | Associate Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University

Current Position and Past Experience
Mary Boyes is currently Associate Professor in the Honors College at Virginia Commonwealth University and has been with the institution since 2013. She has also served as an assistant professor of writing at Tusculum College and Ramapo College of New Jersey.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Boyes holds a master of fine arts in creative writing from Virginia Commonwealth University along with a bachelor of arts in English from William and Mary. Boyes is a recipient of the Tennessee Commission for the Arts Individual Artist Fellowship and recently served as a Health Humanities Fellow at Virginia Commonwealth University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Boyes writes fantastic fiction under a pseudonym and is currently working on an ARG. Boyes is the author of Gingko, Pigeon, Light: A Fable and co-editor, with Peter Scheckner, of the anthology, The Way We Work: Contemporary Writings about Americans and Their Work Experience from Vanderbilt University Press.

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