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Author Profile

Lisa Larson | Senior Vice President of College Transformation, Education Design Lab

Lisa Larson | Senior Vice President of College Transformation, Education Design Lab

Current Position and Past Experience
Lisa Larson is currently Senior Vice President of College Transformation at Education Design Lab. She brings her community college leadership experience working on Community College Growth Engine, Designers in Residence, OneTen and the College Transformation Network. Lisa is committed to and passionate about creating partnerships and opportunities that align education to workforce needs to support learners in gaining critical skills in high-demand, good-paying careers.
Prior to joining the Lab, Dr. Larson served as the President of Eastern Maine Community College focused on providing high quality career, technical, and transfer education as well as helping to drive economic and community development for the region. Lisa has also served in administrative roles in the Minnesota State System, including interim president of North Hennepin Community College.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Larson holds a Doctor of Education from St. Mary’s University of Minnesota, a Master of Arts from Minnesota State University and a Bachelor of Science from Northern State University.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review