Author Profile

Laura Pedrick | Emeritus Executive Director of UWM Online, University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee
Current Position and Past Experience
Laura Pedrick is Emeritus Executive Director of UWM Online at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (recently retired). From 2004 to 2024 she oversaw UWM’s online and blended programs, focusing on program quality, regulatory compliance, new program development, marketing, and building a strong community of practice for online programs. Pedrick served on the Advisory Council for the Universities of Wisconsin online strategic plan implementation and led UWM’s microcredentialing initiative. She co-teaches the “Building a High-Quality Microcredential Program” EDUCAUSE Learning Lab.
She has served as co-PI on a Lumina Foundation credit for prior learning All Learning Counts grant, two Next Generation Learning grants from EDUCAUSE/Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and a grant on blended learning from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. She serves on the Leadership Advisory Board for the HLC Credential Lab.
Education, Honors and Achievements
Pedrick holds a Masters in Journalism from the University of Minnesota, focusing on political communication. She has been a co-recipient of a WCET Outstanding Work (WOW) Award for the U-Pace online instructional approach and has co-authored a Routledge textbook on policy practice.
Laura Pedrick is Emeritus Executive Director of UWM Online at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (recently retired). From 2004 to 2024 she oversaw UWM’s online and blended programs, focusing on program quality, regulatory compliance, new program development, marketing, and building a strong community of practice for online programs. Pedrick served on the Advisory Council for the Universities of Wisconsin online strategic plan implementation and led UWM’s microcredentialing initiative. She co-teaches the “Building a High-Quality Microcredential Program” EDUCAUSE Learning Lab.
She has served as co-PI on a Lumina Foundation credit for prior learning All Learning Counts grant, two Next Generation Learning grants from EDUCAUSE/Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and a grant on blended learning from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. She serves on the Leadership Advisory Board for the HLC Credential Lab.
Education, Honors and Achievements
Pedrick holds a Masters in Journalism from the University of Minnesota, focusing on political communication. She has been a co-recipient of a WCET Outstanding Work (WOW) Award for the U-Pace online instructional approach and has co-authored a Routledge textbook on policy practice.