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Author Profile

Jayne Brownell | Vice President for Student Life, Miami University

Jayne Brownell | Vice President for Student Life, Miami University

Current Position and Past Experience
Jayne Brownell is currently Vice President for Student Life at Miami University and has been in this position since 2014. Dr. Brownell joined the University in March 2014 after serving as the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs at Hofstra University since 2006. Prior experiences include serving as director of the Academic Advising Center of the University of Michigan’s College of Literature, Science and the Arts from 2004-2006, and as class dean, senior dean, and Assistant Dean of Student Affairs at Columbia University from 1999-2004.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Dr. Brownell received her doctor of education, master of education, and master of arts degrees in higher education and student personnel administration (student affairs) from Teachers College, Columbia University. Her undergraduate degree is from Douglass College, Rutgers University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Jayne winds down by baking, cooking, and disappearing into a good novel, and enjoys every opportunity she can to hike and to travel with friends or on her own.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review