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Author Profile

Jason Braun | Strategic Communications, Western Governors University

Jason Braun | Strategic Communications, Western Governors University

Current Position and Past Experience
Jason Braun is currently Strategic Communications at Western Governors University. Before moving to WGU, Braun was the director of the online writing lab and a professor at Holy Apostles College, a fulltime writing instructor at Western Illinois University working with foundational level writers up to graduate teaching assistants. Braun has also led summer camps programs for children in creative writing at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, and in podcasting at The College School.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Braun holds a Master of Education in Educational and Instructional Technology from Western Governors University. He also holds a Master of Arts in English and Creative Writing, as well as a Teaching of Writing Post-Baccalaureate Certificate from Southern Illinois University. He’s studied Creative Nonfiction and New Media at Stanford University as well as Comedy Writing for Business Clients at Second City Theater Chicago.
Working with a programmer, Braun created, the world’s first free web-based application to highlight the most frequently confused homophones. At the time release in 2011, it was superior to the grammar and spellchecking regarding homophones found in the standard word processing applications as explained in The Chronicle of Higher Education and elsewhere. He also created an iPhone app, Paradise Lost Office, that positioned John Milton’s Paradise Lost as a primer on office politics. It charted to the 144th most downloaded paid business app at iTunes and was covered by St. Louis Magazine and elsewhere.
He has published fiction, poetry, articles, reported or been featured in The Riverfont Times, Prime Number,, Big Bridge, Digital Americana, The Evergreen Review, The Nashville City Paper, Jane Friedman’s blog, and many more.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
For a handful of years Braun volunteered as a co-host and producer for Literature for the Halibut. In that role he researched, created, edited, and engineered a weekly radio program for 88.1 KDHX, a station with over 82,000 listeners in the greater St. Louis area.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt