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Author Profile

Janet Carlson | Organizational Development Consultant, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

Current Position and Past Experience
Janet Carlson is currently Organizational Development Consultant at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University in Greensboro, North Carolina and has been in the position since 2018. She has also been Trained Coach at Co-Active Training Institute since 2019 and Co-Founder at Young Innovators of Davidson County since 2018.

Previously, she was Interim Director, Center for Leadership & Organizational Excellence before stepping into the role of Organization Training Specialist at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University in 2018. Prior, she held several roles at Center for Creative Leadership, including Product & Tools Developer and Project Director.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Carlson holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from St. John’s University in Queens, New York.

Articles by this author:

Corporate learning engine