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Author Profile

Errin Heyman | Associate Vice President of Learning Experience, National University

Errin Heyman | Associate Vice President of Learning Experience, National University

Current Position and Past Experience
Errin Heyman is currently Associate Vice President of Learning Experience at National University and has been in the position since August 2022. She is also an Advisor at Workforce Talent Educators Association, an Endorsed Speaker/Assessment Coach at National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment, and an Executive Board Member at Global Online Learning Development and Extended Network.

Previously, she was Vice President of Strategy and Innovation at Reach University. Heyman has held a variety of positions in her nearly 30 years in higher education, focused primarily on pedagogical approaches for instructional development and assessment and innovative approaches to foster student connection.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Heyman holds a Doctor of Education in Higher Education Leadership, Curriculum and Instruction from University of Phoenix. She also holds a Master of Arts and Bachelor of Arts in English Writing from University of Colorado Denver.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Heyman enjoys concerts, traveling and all things history-related. She and her husband (and three dogs) also enjoy seeing the country in their RV.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review