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Author Profile

Alexis Gable | Ph.D. Student in the Harvard Graduate School of Education, Harvard University

Alexis Gable | Ph.D. Student in the Harvard Graduate School of Education, Harvard University

Current Position and Past Experience
Alexis is a 5th year PhD student at HGSE studying Education Policy and Program Evaluation. Her research focuses on non-4-year pathways to and through college, particularly at the community college and career and technical education levels. She works closely with the Ohio Department of Education on projects related to post-high school success and with Harvard's Project on Workforce on projects related to the future of work and workforce development

Education, Honors and Achievements
Gable holds a bachelor's degree in economics and social policy from Northwestern University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Although she is based in Chicago, she is a proud Akronite and a diehard Cleveland sports fan.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review