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Author Profile

Bernard Golden | Vice President of Strategy, ActiveState Software

Bernard Golden | Vice President of Strategy, ActiveState Software

Current Position and Past Experience
Bernard Golden is the Vice President of Strategy at ActiveState Software. He has held this position since 2014. Golden is a highly regarded keynote speaker at conferences around the world. Golden has written and co-written five books on open source, virtualization and cloud computing.

He is a regular contributor to CIO Magazine.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Golden earned a Bachelors degree in Politics at University of California, Santa Cruz and a M.B.A. in Business and Finance at University of California, Berkeley, Haas School of Business.

He was named by as one of ten most influential people in cloud computing.

Bernard Golden can be found on Twitter @bernardgolden. To read more of his work, visit CIO Magazine or his personal blog .

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review