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Two Major Steps

I think there are two major steps for getting stakeholders to involve and engage with workplace training.

The first one would be our tendency to operate with unclear training needs. Normally, we see workplace training needs from a group needs viewpoint. Not every individual can relate himself or herself with the identified group training needs. Just as the old saying: WIIFM (What’s In It For Me)?

To overcome it, I always suggest bridging identified training needs to individuals’ perspectives.

The second hurdle would be that stakeholders do not believe formal training will help to fulfill their training needs. The “just do it” and “experiential learning” mindset sometimes prevent people from engaging in formal training.

Unfortunately, most people also view workplace learning as all about formal training. Therefore, they don’t engage in workplace learning.

To overcome it, I suggest to emphasis on learning instead of training. People can easily deny attending a training session. But they can hardly deny the need to be continuously learning.

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